DAPPRICH offers the most comprehensive range of high-class cutting tools on the market. Since the beginning in 1883 we offer our customers first-rate services and support them to match their targets. More than 135 years of experience and obligation to offer outstanding performance brought to us the reputation of being a fair and competent partner. To read on....
GEBR. DAPPRICH GmbH, a name and notion for tradition and innovation in the field of high-graded cutting tools.
For more than 135 years based in Wuppertal, head of the German tool-industry with an comprehensive stock range to satisfy our specialized dealers nation- and worldwide.
We are prout ..... (to read on her)
On 1st of Septemer 2016 a new chapter started for DAPPRICH:
We became an official company taking on trainees.
The Competence of being a Manufacturer
Despite numerous publications to the contrary in various print media, the proportion of thread cutting tools genuinely producedd by Germany manufacturer continues to shrink. As a result of well known manufacturers relocating production to the Far East only a handful of local manufacturers have survived - we are proud to say that we are one of those companies !
Even on the cutting-Tool aftermarket the „one-euro mentality“ is winning the day. Tons of threading tools are imported from the Far East - mainly in outrageous quality, with attractive laser marking, embellished but counterfeited coatings and packagings and often are sold as „German quality products“ at bargain prices. This raises high profit margins at vendors but users are often the ones who suffer.
So how can you protect yourself?
Ask your sales representative for details. Only a real manufacturer has real expertise. We provide advice and do not only read to you from competitiors catalog. Dapprich - manufacturer of taps & dies since 1883. We have answers to your questions !
Our Know-how on special cutting tools will sort the wheat from the chaff. Whoever is able to find solutions for complex cutting tasks, has also the authority for „standard“ cutting tasks. Our share of special tools is nearly at 40% of turnover. That‘s why we are even a
preferred partner at many of our competitors.
When getting offers: Check the tool-quality and not the packaging. Most inferior tools will gladly offered in handsome boxes and often include useless information. This simulates a high quality product and does distract from the tool. Consider this: The packaging only has a purely protective function and will never give answers about quality of content.
If the seller is masquerading as a producer and you are in doubt, ask him to arrange a viewing-tour throughout his production plant. So-called production facilities abroad are frequent excuses of external cheap-stuff production. We at Dapprich produce our taps in
Wuppertal/Germany with European steel. This ensures the best and consistent quality at high level of flexibility - even at deliverytimes. Come and visit us - you are welcome !
Trust the extensive experience of a real producer and remember:
The real value of a tool is calculated by Price divided by tool-life!
The Dapprich-Team is waiting for your challanges of unknown !
Defy us on: anfrage@dapprich.com
Matching our philosophy - see what John Ruskin already mentioned in 19. Century (Citation)
''There is hardly anything in the
world that someone cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper,
and the people who consider price alone are that person's lawful prey.
It is unwise to pay too much, but it
is also unwise to pay too little. When
you pay too much, you lose a little
money, that is all. When you pay
too little, you sometimes lose
everything because the thing you
bought is incapable of doing the
thing you bought it to do.
The common law of business
balance prohibits paying a little and
getting a lot... It can't be done. If
you deal with the lowest bidder it is
well to add something for the risk
you run. And if you do that you will
have enough to pay for something
DAPPRICH History (continued)
.......to be family-run business. This offers a maximum felxibility to our customers around the world.
DAPPRICH time travel
> Founded 1883 by the brothers Dapprich in Wuppertal-Cronenberg
> Manufacturer of small hand-vices etc.
> Due to missing successor sold 1972 to investors
> Restruction into a wholesale trade für cutting tools
> 1974 Acquisition by Gerd Hölscheid
> 1987 Bernd Hölscheid joins the company after his apprenticeship at Berg & Co (Gebr. Weyersberg)
> 1998 Restruction into a Limited company (GmbH)
> 2008 Cellebration 125 years of Dapprich
> 2016 DAPPRICH become an official company that take on trainees.
> 2016 First participation at Metallobrabotka in Moscow
> 2018 Part of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce offensive ''Native Shopping'' including Open House